Saturday, May 22, 2010

Hello plz gimme c++ code to check if the number is a palindrome or not?

i.e how to reverse a string

not any home work or anything

yhanks a ton


Hello plz gimme c++ code to check if the number is a palindrome or not?
Reply:Sure looks like a homework question. For the most efficient answer, let me give you a hint: learn to use pointers. If you are concerned about over exerting yourself, just get the size of the string, initialize an array for that size and place the first character of the string in the last element of the array, the second in the next to last element of the array and so on. Code it yourself, you'll learn more.
Reply:thats kinda easy. what i have is the C code. want me to send it to ya?just lemme know.

i agree with the other dude, learn pointers. its really helpful..

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